Sunday, November 13, 2011

Oh, the joy!

(the devil)

Ingerul meu
(my angel)
When we moved into our apartment we were so delighted with the location overlooking the church, the open layout, and large bedroom, that we were determined to make the best of whatever furniture or equipment we had to work with.  I made peace with the small washing machine and learned to use the drying rack in an efficient way.  We adapted to the hard bed (very European) with a thin foam layer. We do okay with the tiny single sink since we only wash dishes for 2 (except when we cook every week for the dozen YSA we feed across the streeet).  Our couch is unfit for sitting and has become a place to stack things.  We are only reminded how bad it is when we visit one of the other missionary couples and sit on their comfortable furniture.  I've learned to recognize military time on our clocks.  But the oven was a source of stress and frustration.  We finally decided to approach our proprietar about getting a new stove and offered to pay the difference for an upgrade to an oven with a thermostat.  Two days later, we had our new stove.  We still have to use a match to light the oven but the stove top burners have a striker.  The old oven had no temperature control so we had to constantly watch the little thermometer we had hanging in the oven and keep adjusting the flame to cool it down or heat it back up while anything was baking.  After this wonderful appliance joined our family, I fixed two big batches of sugar cookies to decorate for Halloween.  They cooked beautifully and evenly.  We have certainly learned to appreciate many things that we used to take for granted.  


  1. Yay for a new stove!! It is the little things in life that make all the difference.
