Sunday, February 26, 2012

Why Romania is not a weight-loss misson!

There is a pastry shop on every corner and sometimes in between.  We can always smell something delicious baking and we can't seem to pass them up.

But there is always a way to solve any problem.
Translation:  Clothes for the Fattish
The Romanians have a way with words for sure.

And as long as we are on the subject, this just seemed funny to me.

The Romanians also have a way with signs.
This was at a brand new, upscale theater.  


  1. showed this post to my husband, and that last photo especially made him laugh. :)

  2. p.s. what's your favorite thing to buy at the patiserie?

  3. Mmmmm, pastries. When in Romania, eat like a Romanian. Also, that last sign reminds me of a 3 year old who is being potty trained. That would have been very appropriate on my bathroom door several years ago.

  4. "LIKE" (that's a "LIKE" for Beth's comment)
