We have discovered that Church activities here in Romania are a little different than we have back home. All of the members here are converts within the last 20 years and most are coming from an Orthodox background. For people in Romania, the Orthodox Church is not where they socialize. So when they join our Church and become a society of saints it is a challenge for them to understand getting together for activities. They always want there to be a gospel theme and there must be the singing of hymns. The missionaries planned the last Arad Branch activity and it was a success. The theme was "putting on the whole armour of God," so the first thing the missionaries did was discuss with the members Ephesians 6:13. Then they were divided into two teams and were asked to dress one of their teammates in armour. Before the activity we missionaries had the challenge of gathering everything we could think of so there would be choices of things to make armour with. Missionaries only have things they use and need so we had to scramble. Thank goodness for tape and aluminum foil!

The teams going for the "armour."
President Banatean helping Fratele Moldovan.
Fratele Piper helping Edi with his armour.
Ready to withstand the evil day!
Well done, Arad Branch!
Well done!!